Sunday, May 4, 2014

Running the Numbers

It's all a subject we try to avoid, but in adoption, it's a necessary; an (almost) every day occurrence!

We sent off our BIG(gest) check along with the 3.5lbs of documents just over a week ago! Our agency double checked everything and over-nighted  them to Washington D.C. From there, they are on their way to Ethiopia to be translated and then registered in the system.  Once registered, we are ready for a match!  Our agency said the registration should be complete by about May 22nd!

So we spent the last few days celebrating this little accomplishment but it's time to get back on task!

Between generous givers and the income we've created from our vacation rental Drake's Place we are almost 20% to goal! I am amazed with the provisions He has blessed our family with! It's easy to go from amazement to uncertainty very quickly however, when you just get done sending off a large sum of money to turn around and see the next one staring you in the face.

We could be 3 weeks, 3 months or a year out from a match! Obviously we would like the former, but the latter would give us more time to raise and save more money. Double edge sword.

That said, and let me digress for a moment...I know MONEY is a difficult subject for some. Me included.  But I feel I owe it to everyone to be as translucent as possible being that you've chosen and by god's will, been appointed, to follow along with our journey in many supportive ways, money being one of them.

We have had great success with our vacation rental here in Bend.  January and February we were full in the mid 20 night range, March all but 2 nights and April all but 3! May and the coming summer months are already booking up quickly! This was a blessing we had no idea was coming. As this has been a learning process for us however, we failed to take start up costs, maintenance fees, utilities and taxes out of our first earnings. So what we thought we could apply to the adoption was actually about 25% less than our initial thought. Nothing to get down about as every bit helps and we feel very lucky for the opportunity and success we've had with it! 

So I was hoping to see higher numbers on the Firstgiving website because of the rental, but once it donned on us we need to subtract these operating expenses, the numbers went down a bit.

That said, we are looking at other ways to help raise money for both the allotment we will owe once we're matched, as well as travel expenses. Both will hit right around the same time!

Where you can help...

We are looking to hold a Silent Auction that includes donated goods/services from family and friends.  We already have some wonderful donations and I will be reaching out to friends and family individually as well to ask if anyone may have some type of merchandise or service they could donate to the auction.  Or if they know any one who may want to donate too!

The items can be very creative...from massages, to farm tours to babysitting hours. The only requirement is the ability to provide the item to me before the auction or a gift certificate (which could be a simple email stating the item/service with your contact info). We are very excited about this as both you and I can benefit from some auction fun!

Simultaneously, we need to start planning for travel.  It's my understanding that once we accept a match, we depart pretty quickly.  We have some miles saved and recently learned about adoption airfare options from a guest who adopted 8 years ago.  I need to do some research but it sounds like there may be some discounts since we don't have a lot of notice on when we travel and we likely won't know our return date, etc.  I'd love to have references or hear about others experiences if any of you have any experience with this.  We are also happy to accept donated miles as well, since these tickets can range up to $2500/per person.

Thank you ALL for your continued support in our journey; we are forever grateful!

If you'd like to help with any of the above, or have any ideas of your own, please reach out.
xo -Angela

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