Nothing like a little ER visit for hubby, to have time to sit and write. He has not been feeling well for over a week and now we are going on 12 hours of extreme vomiting and other dehydrating activities.
There have been 7 ambulances arrive since we arrived 3 hours ago and as much as its annoying to have to wait longer because Brandon is not dying, I am thankful for the latter.
We aren't sure what's going on yet. Could be as simple as food poisoning, the flu or as serious as the Hantavirus as he was exposed and inhaled copious amounts of mice poop several weeks ago and honestly, has not felt or been himself since.
We are waiting for lab results so hopefully we will know more soon.
As we wait... we have had a productive week as far as the adoption is concerned. Let me productive as you can at this point. We met with our agency and had them look over the documents we have ready for the Country Dossier. All look great!
We are still waiting for the one from Homeland Security and apparently the criminal clearance document was sent off to DHS (as if we were adopting domestically) and it should have been sent to us. We will have to request the docs again, pay again and wait...
Frustrating....yes. But perhaps the timing will work out and we will have both documents back at the same time so we can finally move forward.
Once that's complete the entire Country Dossier will be sent to Washington D.C. for the final authentication. Then translated and off to Ethiopia where we can finally be matched! Our agency said they will need to cut down some wording in the docs for translation as some of the docs are huge. Hopefully this doesn't cause further delays.
We were talking to our agency about lodging options and where we would stay and it's looking like our agency's guest house may be the answer. For 50$/night we get a nice roof over our heads and 3 meals a day. We can even cook ourselves, which we may prefer as we are not quite sure how to trust the food or food preparation. We may be sending ourselves recurring care packages with an over abundance of oatmeal ;)
I asked about staying close to the orphanage as I mentioned perhaps staying from our first trip for court through til we can bring baby Haile home. I told him I wanted to be close so we could spend everyday at the orphanage with her. He looked at me funny and said "if you are staying, she will live with YOU!" I began crying! He clarified and said after court (which will be our first week there) she will officially be ours. He said the waiting period after court is for her birth certificate, passport and visa. He said we could basically travel any where with her, meaning any other country! just not back to the states as we need those documents first, in order to get home.
That is awesome news! Now we are just praying that we travel at a time that won't take a lot of time away from Brandon's girls. Meaning, if its during the school year, we only have his girls every other weekend so we would only have to miss a couple of weekends with them in order to stay in Ethiopia from court date to bringing Haile home. Approx 5 weeks if all goes well.
That's all for now. I better get back to watching hubby try to rest while we wait for results. Second liter of saline coming on board now. Please pray for "timing" with all the adoption stuff and that hubby is not seriously ill right now so we can get out of this hospital and back to it.
Disclaimer: I am not spell checking or re-reading. So this post is super raw.
Xoxo -Angela
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